
Are you tired of constantly updating the catalog from your mobile to manage? If yes, we have some great news for you!

Introducing the Minis desktop website and with it comes a shiny new feature: The ability to bulk upload and edit your catalog right on your desktop!

We know that updating your catalog can be a bit of a pain sometimes, especially when you're trying to do it using a small mobile screen. With the Minis new desktop website, you can easily add and edit your products without having to squint or zoom in.

Plus, No more frantically searching for that one perfect image on your phone's camera roll! You can now add images that are saved on your desktop device, rather than uploading them from your phone or tablet. This means you can upload high-quality images of your products, giving potential buyers a better look at what they're interested in.

The desktop experience will provide core functionalities to the seller while having some additional desktop-specific features, which will be developed and released in phases.

Please note: Sellers can only access the Minis desktop website once they have signed up via the Sell with Minis app available on Google Play Store/Apple App Store.

Minis desktop version will help you to:

  1. Increased productivity
    Upload large amounts of products at once to increase your productivity, leaving you more time to focus on other important tasks

  2. No more mistakes
    Easily review your products before publishing, minimizing errors and ensuring accuracy

  3. Consistency
    Ensures that all your products have the same format, making it easy for your customers to navigate and compare

Minis Desktop Tutorial: How to update products on Minis desktop website?

1. Upload products one by one

Step 1 - Simply log in to ‘Web link’ and click on the "Add" button to start and Choose “Add one by one” to start updating your products.

Step 2 - You will get an option to enter the following product details:

  • Item Category (Optional)
  • Item Name (Mandatory)
  • Add Product Description (Optional)
  • Price (Optional)

Once you have entered the requested details, click “save and close” and if you want to add another item click “save and add another item” and repeat!

2. Bulk upload/edit the entire catalog

Step 1 - Log in to ‘Web link’ and click on the "Add" button to start and Choose “Add items in Bulk” if you want to add new products in bulk or Choose  “Modify items in Bulk” if you wish to bulk update your existing Catalog.

Step 2 - If you selected “Add items in Bulk” Choose Option 1 “Download the sample excel template to add your items” and click “download”

If you selected “Modify items in Bulk” Choose Option 1 “Export your catalog in excel format” and click “export”

Step 3- You will get an option to enter the following product details:

  • Product Name (Mandatory)

  • Product Description (Optional)

  • Product Price (Optional)

  • Discounted Price (Optional)

  • Item Category (Optional)

  • Add to recommended section (Optional)

  • Item weight (Optional)

Step 4 - Once you have updated and saved the excel sheet go back to the ‘Web link’ and click on the "Add" button and Choose “Add items in Bulk” or “Modify items in Bulk” basis the option you chose earlier

Step 5 - Choose Option 2 “ Once items are added/edited choose that sample excel sheet” and click “choose” to upload your saved excel sheet.

Step 6 - Once uploaded, click “Submit & upload/modify” and if you want to add/edit another set of items repeat the same process.

Bulk Upload Success Message:

Bulk Edit Success Message:

Please note: A maximum of only 100 products can be uploaded or edited on one go. For more than 100 items to be added it will have to be split as 2 excel files.

How to add images to the bulk uploaded Catalog?

Images can be added only by going to each item via desktop or mobile and uploading against a product. (A maximum of 6 photos can be added per product)

But that's not all, the new Minis Desktop website is super easy to navigate, with clear buttons and a clean layout which will help you update your catalog and add images in a snap, freeing up more time for you to focus on what really matters - selling your amazing products!

So what are you waiting for? Head on over to our Minis desktop website and give it a try today. Trust us, your catalog (and your sanity) will thank you. 

Happy selling!

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